Meteo per Herefordshire

Meteo in Herefordshire per oggi, domani e i prossimi 2 giorni.

Regioni Herefordshire: Abbey Dore, Adforton, Allensmore, Almeley, Aymestrey, Bacton, Bartestree, Birley with Upper Hill, Bishop's Frome, Blakemere, Bodenham, Brampton Bryan, Bredwardine, Bridge Sollers, Bridstow, Brimfield, Brockhampton, Burrington, Byford, Byton, Callow, Clehonger, Clifford, Collington, Credenhill, Croft and Yarpole, Dilwyn, Dinmore, Docklow and Hampton Wafer, Donnington, Dorstone, Downton, Eardisland, Eardisley, Eastnor, Eaton Bishop, Elton, Evesbatch, Ewyas Harold, Eye, Moreton and Ashton, Eyton, Ford and Stoke Prior, Foy, Garway, Goodrich, Grendon Bishop, Hampton Bishop, Hatfield and Newhampton, Hereford, Hope under Dinmore, Humber, Huntington, Kenchester, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Kimbolton, King's Pyon, Kingsland, Kingstone, Kington, Kinnersley, Kinsham, Lea, Ledbury, Leinthall Starkes, Leintwardine, Leominster, Lingen, Linton, Little Cowarne, Little Marcle, Llancillo, Llangarron, Llanrothal, Llanveynoe, Llanwarne, Longtown, Lower Bullingham, Lugwardine, Luston, Lyonshall, Madley, Marstow, Michaelchurch Escley, Middleton on the Hill, Moccas, Monkland and Stretford, Moreton Jeffries, Moreton on Lugg, Much Birch, Much Cowarne, Much Dewchurch, Much Marcle, Norton Canon, Ocle Pychard, Orleton, Pembridge, Pencombe with Grendon Warren, Pencoyd, Peterchurch, Peterstow, Preston on Wye, Preston Wynne, Putley, Ross Rural, Rowlstone, Sarnesfield, Sellack, Shobdon, St. Margarets, St. Weonards, Staunton on Wye, Stoke Lacy, Sutton, Tarrington, Tedstone Delamere, Thornbury, Thruxton, Titley, Tretire with Michaelchurch, Turnastone, Tyberton, Ullingswick, Upper Sapey, Upton Bishop, Vowchurch, Wacton, Walford, Wellington, Weobley, Westhide, Weston under Penyard, Whitchurch, Wigmore, Willersley and Winforton, Withington, Yatton, Yazor

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